20 months ago I began my MBA journey at columbia_biz londonbschool.

For an Indian girl born in a tiny village in Punjab, making it to an Ivy league institution, to the number 1 business school in the world, it was a dream come true.

The fact that I was doing it at the age of 41; as a mother of two kids,15 and 11; with a busy professional life that straddled two continents, at the tail end of a global pandemic – It was challenging.

I was not sure exactly what I had let myself in for.

Today I do. And I am so glad I took this crazy decision.

It has been one of the best experiences of my life.

Something I did just for me.

I am so grateful for everyone columbia_biz and @londonbschool – the professors and the staff. They opened up my world. Inspired me to greater possibilities. A small example, my just-launched podcast dreambuildscale was one of the projects I came up with while completing an assignment for Professor Ingram’s Leadership and Organisational Change class.

I am grateful for the incredible people I have spent the past 20 months with as a student in the classroom, over group assignments and more – and in the many, many parties, dinners and travels!

As always, I am grateful for my family and friends and my team at work for accommodating my crazy dream. It would not have been possible without them.

Today, I begin with gratitude. In a few hours, I will walk across the storied stage of columbia_biz in a gown and cap and be awarded an MBA degree.

It is truly a dream come true.