65000 Influencers

200 Celebrities

5 Million Posts

1 Sparkling Year

2019 was an important year for Plixxo. We grew by leaps and bounds. As an influencer marketing platform, we made strides with each campaign and each business decision. We have big dreams for the future but we look back at 2019 fully satisfied knowing we honestly did our best.

With 65000 total influencers, we grew exponentially from the previous year. Another cool thing that happened was that 200 celebrities joined the Plixxo family! We hosted 50 events which is just brilliant if you consider the effort that goes into actually putting a single event together! Plixxo influencers created a lot of awesome content and we on our part executed more than 300+ sharp, relevant, impactful brand campaigns. Our biggest campaign saw 5000 posts in 5 days! These are numbers we are so thrilled to say that we achieved. I can say the word for 2019 and Plixxo was officially ‘impact’ and we hope to carry forward the theme in 2020! Wish you a very Happy New Year! Hope it’s an amazing, productive and beautiful year for you.