It’s been 4 intense, interesting, tumultuous years. When I look back at the start, I smile at my own bright-eyed naiveté, the pure idealism that is a must to embark on an adventure like this.

We have had multiple re-designs (3 to be precise) – with another big one a few weeks away. We have celebrated many, many launches – including new verticals and Plixxo and the launch-pause-relaunch of Hindi. We have hosted multiple mega-events with 2000+ guests –  the last of which included a flash-mob proposal.

It’s been a journey of laughter and some tears; fundraises that never seemed to end. Product releases and “descoping” – video shoots that last 40 hours, design collateral that is magiced at the last moment, celebrity weddings that put the edit room on war footing, commercial targets that are mega but somehow still achieved, the constant battle with the Facebook algorithm. So many decks and presentations and models and sheets have been made – often overnight. And then there are the crazy timelines and deadlines that the team now accepts as a given.

I try and take a moment now to look back and remember the beginning –  hiring people on Skype, running the company on Google hangouts for a year before we had an office. Moving to India – thinking it was for a few years – but now I know it’s indefinite. We have been through hirings and exits – the team is 140 strong now!

Mostly – I am thankful, immensely grateful for the phenomenal people it’s been my luck to meet and work with. Some of them have moved on – but I am grateful for all they taught me and for all they gave the company. My investors and advisors and partners have held strong through the storms. My love to my family and friends who have learnt to live this crazy life.

Most importantly – big love to my team today. You are all amazing. The POPxo story, its success is yours. Every month, we have 14.7 million users who spend over 4 million hours on content you have created. 200 million video views a month. Imagine that. Millions of people relate to and love a brand that you all have built.

Thank you.

Finally – the POPxo users – you all have made us what we are. We love you and cannot wait to continue on this crazy ride with you.