31630 Influencers

38 Events hosted

110 Brand Campaigns

1 Fruitful Year

Plixxo, our influencer marketing platform, has had one hell of a year in the best way possible! Our elite group of Plixxo influencers completely rocked 2018. They made a *lot* of content – 20,873 posts to be precise. Their combined reach was 80 million (yes, wrap your head around that one). They were part of a 110 awesome brand campaigns, which by the way, kudos to our team for execusting flawlessly. Our biggest campaign was for Ajio, which saw 4596 posts in 4 days.

All in all, 2018 was a successful year for Plixxo and here’s wishing you all an influential 2019 – Plixxo style!